Working in Employment

In theory, a non-EU citizen is only eligible for a residence permit for the purpose of salaried employment if an employer in the Netherlands has a need for that non-EU citizen for a specific job. As a rule, such a residence permit has to be applied for by the employer. We can provide you with legal assistance if you are an employer. There still exists the theoretical possibility to apply for an employment permit (a tewerkstellingsvergunning, often erroneously called a “work permit” in English), if the employer can prove that they made an effort (a significant effort) to look for an EU citizen for the job opening — but this possibility is becoming more and more limited. The most favorable and accelerated procedure for non-EU citizens to be able to stay as employees is for those who have valuable skills (kennismigranten or “highly skilled migrants”), to whom the employer wants to pay a reasonably high salary. This salary requirement varies based on educational achievements and age — we can advise you about it, as well as about the 30%-ruling for “expats” recruited from abroad.

If you are a kennismigrant, you can contact us for advice about what your rights are if you lose your job, or how you can gain your freedom on the Dutch employment market.

Lees over Werk in loondienst in het Nederlands