Good news! If you are the holder of a non-permanent Dutch residence permit (verblijfsvergunning regulier voor bepaalde tijd), and you were planning on voluntarily taking the civic integration exam (inburgeringsexamen) in order to qualify for a permanent residence...
Search Results
[OUT OF DATE] Dutch Council of State asks EU Court to rule on right of permanent residence for a British citizen
THIS POSTING IS OUT OF DATE, SEE THE UPDATE NEWSFLASH (13 October 2021): This morning, the Dutch Council of State made a preliminary reference to the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Luxembourg, asking the following questions about the proper...
Recognition and enforcement of family law judgments in the Netherlands
If you come to the Netherlands from abroad, you may need to have a foreign court decision recognised or enforced here. Given the complexities of private international law, Franssen Advocaten has provided a short introduction to the recognition and enforcement of...
Understanding the (COVID-19-related) ban on non-essential travel to the Netherlands, who is exempt, and if a lawyer can help
Understanding the Schengen Area The first thing that is important to understand is that if you are entering the Netherlands by air or by sea from outside Europe, you are also entering the Schengen Area (all the green or light green countries on this map): (credit:...
Tozo and self-employed residence permit holders: the latest summary
25 May 2020: I thought it might be a good time to summarize the current state of affairs (and respond to some frequently asked questions) with regard to Tozo (the income support available to all self-employed persons in the Netherlands) for holders of residence...